original will be found here http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.ph ... p_id=63887
I found an anomalie when try to login with MS logon to
a Windows 2000/2003 Server machine.
I'am using RC18 and New MS-Logon (auth.dll from June 25
2004) the password i.e. "Abc0DefG" is not accepted. Any
variation of that pattern fails. I.e. "Hde8TsdZ12345"
and so on. But other Passwords like
"AbCdEfGhIj123456789" are working correct.
The syntax of the password I think it causes the fault is:
- First Letter is uppercase
- Second and third ones are lowercase
- Fourth one must be a numeric value
- next ones are not significant
If I choose a password which have not the above described syntax the connect have no problem.
I think It must be a problem handled with UltraVnc, cause the normal Login to that Windows 2003 Server machine causes no problems.