edit 2: Ok, it works! Very nice. Now to try this to connect to our equipment in China...
After spending way to much time trying to figure out how to control a desktop located behind a firewall using VPNs or tunnels I belatedly realized that VNC already has the ability to let the server initiate the connection.

However I'm having trouble getting this seemingly simple concept to work. I don't think it's an UltraVNC problem but I want to make sure I'm doing this right before I look elsewhere.
Here at work I have control over our firewall (IPCOP). I've forwarded port 5500 to my laptop and I've started up vncviewer in listen mode.
I had my father start up the server and told him to add a new client. The only field I had him fill in in the "Add New Client" dialog box was the "Host Name" which I had him set to my public IP address at work. When he clicked OK there was a delay and then an error message saying it failed to connect.
I checked IPCOP's firewall logs and saw nothing. I even disabled the port forwarding and had him try again and still nothing appeared in there (other than dozens and dozens of pesky port 445 probes

So is there anything to do other than what I've mentioned? It seems like this should be fairly straightforward.