Update: UltraVNC and UltraVNC SC viewtopic.php?t=37885
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newer user - how to?

Single Click discussions / bugs
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newer user - how to?

Post by jkneweruser »

I run UltraVNC server and viewer and can't wait to try SC. I've made and downloaded my .exe for the remote computer but what exactly do I run on local computer (program & options)?
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Post by ipsec »

their website gives you a basic overview of what the program does.. how it connects ect..

but you need to run what is called a listen viewer from the full version of Ultra VNC.

when someone opens the custom app that you make for SC they select you, then it automatically trys to connect to you. If you have your router set up to forward the default port of 5500 to your "Listen server" then you will automatically connect to the person that initiated the request.

Since they initiate the request no port forwarding must occur on their side but the firewalls must be okay in allowing it to happen. Norton and Zonealarm ect need to allow single click for this one instance..
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