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Possible to disable the SC connection query prompt?

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Possible to disable the SC connection query prompt?

Post by sbussinger »

Is there any way to either tell a VNCViewer in LISTEN mode to automatically always accept all connections from SC servers, or to tell the SC server to not cause the viewer to display the connection query prompt?

My staff has been using standard WINVNC servers to connect to listening viewers without the prompt and is quite used to working that way. I'm getting some complaints about the accept connection prompt and I don't care much for it myself. It's just more clicks for little gain.

Perhaps it could prompt only if there's already a session in progress?

What are my options here? Thanks!
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Post by buch85 »

You can modify the code of the vncview in the file ClientConnection.cpp in the function ClientConnection::NegotiateProtocolVersion().
You have just to remove the MessageBox and to modify the "if" that check what the user has pressed.


PS: excuse me for my poor english
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Post by sbussinger »

I was hoping there was an existing command line option I was missing rather than having to compile a custom version of the viewer.

If I do have to go the custom compilation route, is there anyway to tweak this from the SC source code side? I have some other changes I'd like to make there anyway and I'd like to limit the number of custom packages I have to mess with.

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Post by buch85 »

:( currently i have the PROBLEM that i couldn't obtain a version of SC (compiling it by myself) that doesn't make the viewer to prompt anything...

Try to compile a SC yourself and you'll get what you are searching for... (I think)

:cry: I need the opposite thing that you are searching for.

Technical Info: To start a connection without the prompt "issue" you have "just" to make the server to use the RFB 003.006 protocol message instead the RFB 003.016 (that is used from the SC)

If you compile SC (without modifiing it) and it works prompting as usal... please tell me HOW, HOW, HOW you got it :D
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Post by redge »

I know you need the opposite of this topic below:

I think vncviewer option available coming soon to disable prompt feature for SC and classic winvnc based on latest vncviewer 1.0.1 or tabbed viewer 1.2.x
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Re: Possible to disable the SC connection query prompt?

Post by Arnaut »

The prompt is not in SC, but in the viewer. I had the same problem and eliminated it by commenting about 10 lines of code and then recompiling; if you want, I can send you the modified version of the viewer
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Re: Possible to disable the SC connection query prompt?

Post by menash »

sorry for jump this topic, but is there a solution to that today without compiling?
i need that when single click user, connect to my computer(i'm using vnc viewer in listen mode), i'll not get a prompt that tell me that someone want to connect to me, but the connection will be without that prompt, and immediately it will create.
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Rudi De Vos
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Re: Possible to disable the SC connection query prompt?

Post by Rudi De Vos »

Not done.
If wecomment out that code part, then other people request to add it back.

The normal winvnc version doesn't have the prompt unless it's set.
For SC this is hardcoded.
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Re: Possible to disable the SC connection query prompt?

Post by menash »

thank you rudi :-)
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Re: Possible to disable the SC connection query prompt?

Post by Sainsuper »

Hi, i think you should use:
Vncviewer.exe -listen -autoacceptincoming
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